Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

A project realized for Powertech, a subsidiary of BC Hydro.

As part of the Clean Transportation Group at Powertech, my goal as Industrial Designer was designing supporting infrastructure for electric vehicle charging stations. Roles included designing and drafting various elements of the charging environment; concept development and communication, presentation and documentation design, procurement, preparation for fabrication, and active participation in client meetings and site evaluations with municipalities such as the City of Surrey and City of Colwood, and businesses including ICBC and Van Dusen Gardens.

James Hallam and Kevan D’Agostino


Industrial & Graphic Design


Electric Vehicle Charging | EVSE | Powertech

A Rising Demand

The demand for clean transportation, powered by renewable energy, has never been higher. British Columbia is expected to experience high adoption rates of this exciting new technology and will transition more quickly to electric mobility than many other jurisdictions. The province has always been at the forefront of clean transportation and clean energy technologies and Powertech has a long history in providing innovative solutions to these important industry sectors. British Columbia is ideally situated to take advantage of the many benefits EVs have to offer with over 90% of electricity coming from renewable hydro-electric sources.

Powertech's Key Objectives

1.  Provide clean transportation solutions

2. Support our customers in promoting electric vehicle adoption

3. Help the public make a seamless transition from gas to electric vehicles.

Electric Vehicle Charging | EVSE

Final Design Package

Electric Vehicle Charging | EVSE | Design Details
Electric Vehicle Charging | EVSE | Design Details
Electric Vehicle Charging | EVSE | Design Details

Sharing the Experience

Click on the left to see the visual slideshow from my lecture to a third year Ecological Design class at Emily Carr University of Art & Design, showcasing my technical drawings and site visualizations.