Búnaðarþing Conference

Búnaðarþing is an annual conference organized by Bændasamtök Íslands, the Farmer’s Association of Iceland. Farmers from every corner of the country gather at Reykjavík's Harpa Concert Hall to exchange ideas, resources and strategies.


Graphic, Marketing


Clea Lautrey | Graphic Design
Clea Lautrey | Graphic Design | Illustration

Representing the Agricultural Network

Animals play a crucial role in Iceland’s farming industry, which is why I decided to create a set of hand-drawn illustrations depicting the animals typically found on Icelandic soil: the cow, the hen, the horse, the pig, the sheep and the very distinctive Icelandic sheepdog. The agricultural sector was represented through fresh produce and wheat crops.

Versatile Design

The goal was to design a comprehensive package of print and digital material. This includes promotional material leading up to the conference, such as newspaper, web and tv ads and event invitations; as well as material for the conference itself, including banners, signage, presentation slides and name tags.

Clea Lautrey | Graphic Design | Illustration
Clea Lautrey | Graphic Design | Illustration
Clea Lautrey | Graphic Design | Illustration